Natural or Not?
We’re all looking for easier ways to stay healthy. In today’s busy life, it’s hard to find the time!
The products we find in the supermarket are often labeled to help us select better-quality products—but what do those labels really mean?
One label that you’ll commonly see on foods of all types today is “natural.” The fact is, nobody is really sure what this means.
We might think it means fewer harmful chemicals, that it’s produced in a simpler way or that it is an organic product.
In reality, “natural” has no legal definition and can be put on any food products.
Buzzwords like natural, simple or simply, GMO-free and free-range could mean there are less harmful effects of that product in some ways.
The most important thing is to read the labels and do your research, so you can decide what is best for your family.
What Should You Do?
You headed out for a few errands and suddenly found yourself involved in a car accident! Thankfully, it’s nothing serious. You’re a bit shaken up, but you’re all right.
But are you?
Research shows that the driver and its occupants can sustain a variety of spinal injuries after a minor car crash.
Even a low-impact instance that does little or no damage to your car can mislead you into thinking you’re okay.
The neck pain or muscle stiffness a day or two later suggests a different story.
Thankfully you know a great chiropractor. We know how to detect and correct the spinal problems resulting from car accidents, overworking in the garden, slips and falls and other seemingly minor traumas that can affect your spine and the nervous system that it protects.
If you, or someone you love has been in a car accident, urge them to give us a call!